Network Scanning System that Protects




Inappropriate Content exists on your Network… Despite your best efforts.

“So, how does it get there?”

Consider, it’s as simple as employees using their browser, but also

Virtual Private Networks

Web browsing technology that creates a secure, encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the internet. Virtual Private Networks can be used to circumvent web filtering software by routing your internet connection through a server in a different location. This makes it appear as though your internet activity is coming from that server’s location, not your actual physical location, thus bypassing local internet restrictions and filters. This toolset is particularly useful for accessing region-restricted content, bypassing censorship, or maintaining privacy from local internet service monitoring. VPNs allow employees to bypass filters.

External Hard Drives

They offer indirect ways to access restricted content:
1) Offline Storage: They can store content downloaded in an unrestricted environment, allowing local access without internet filters.
2) Software and Tools: Drives can carry software, like VPNs, that bypass web filters, useful when such software can’t be downloaded due to network restrictions.
3) Operating Systems: They can also boot live operating systems or different environments, potentially, and harmfully, avoiding computer-level restrictions. However, they don’t actively circumvent network restrictions like VPNs.

Off-Site Browsers

Off-site browsing involves accessing the web from a location outside of controlled network environments, such as schools or workplaces. By doing so, users can bypass network filters and restrictions that block inappropriate content. Since these filters are typically only active within the controlled network, off-site browsing allows unrestricted access to all types of content, including those deemed inappropriate, unsafe, or even harmful. This method can expose users to risks and content normally prevented by safety protocols within regulated networks. This leaves businesses vulnerable to incursions exposing them to possible suits.

“But wait, I have web filters!”

Brilliant, however, we find what their software can’t protect against; watch this video:


Our PowerScanner finds hidden inappropriate content

that, like a thief, has bypassed your security protocols

[ Think of it as a meta data file audit ]

Discover The Power Scanner

Our fast and powerful tool both scans and analyzes your network silently and consistently. You’ll receive scheduled reports and immediate alerts for any anomalies found. Proactively protect your enterprise. It’s Software that Protects.

Defend Your Workplace's Safety

Mitigate the financial pitfalls of excessive litigation due to predatory activities. Our vigilant software helps to ensure unparalleled safety for both you and your institution as well as its employees or students.

Develop Your Community's Trust

In the face of such lewd acts, restoring trust is paramount. Our software helps reassure parents, communities, employees, and shareholders, signifying that robust safety measures are, effectively, now in place.

“You won’t belive the scope of problem…”

Over 20%

Admit to actively watching Pornography at Work

The E.E.O.C. estimates that, between 2018 and 2021, almost ONE MILLION harassment incidents took place. Nearly 28% of those are sexual harassment. That’s nearly Seventy Thousand sexual harassment claims per year, during the pandemic, when our workforce was at it’s lowest. Our Network Scanning Software can help mitigate this issue.

“The impact on your people is…”


Workplace setting with a distraght and embarassed employee in the foreground while four employees laugh in the background

Toxic workplaces lead to lower engagement, higher burnout, increased absenteeism, turnover, reduced psychological safety, heightened depression & anxiety, pervasive negativity, and higher costs for business owners

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1 in 4 Harassed

Medical setting with a distraught nurse in the foreground and two nurses and a doctor converse i nthe background

Post-harassment report, employers must safeguard against further issues & retaliation, and reasonably accommodate the victim. They can also be liable for non-employee harassment if not addressed promptly.

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“And, how does this effect me?”

Your Bottom Line


In the United States, the financial repercussions of settlements, lawsuits, and diminished productivity reach staggering sums, estimated annually in the billions of dollars.

Beyond these immediate losses, the collateral damage inflicted on a company or school district’s reputation can be profound. The tarnishing of a public image entails not only intangible losses but also necessitates substantial investment to restore the affected entity’s standing.

This multifaceted impact, spanning financial, reputational, and operational domains, underscores the devastating consequences these issues can unleash, affecting entities on multiple levels.

Our network scanning software, that helps protect your people, money, and brand, can help mitigate this major issue.

“The impact on your organization is…”

Financial Impact

Business person handing over three thick stacks of hundred dollar bills: Software that Protects, Inappropriate Content, PowerScanner, Network Scanning

From FY 2018-21, EEOC reclaimed $300M for 8,147 harassment victims. 2021 claims hit 10%, up 1.2% from 2018. Positive resolutions at 28.6%. Recoveries rose to 18.2% from 12.4% in FY 2014-17, a $104M boost.

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Hidden Expenses

A room full of burned out employees that look depressed and unproductive

One in Five Americans left jobs over poor culture, costing $223B in 5 years, says SHRM. 49% contemplated leaving due to culture issues in the same period. Organizational culture significantly impacts turnover rates.

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“Okay, so, how does it work?”

Give us a call, and we’ll happily walk you through it!

Network Scanning System that Protects




Inappropriate Content exists on your Network… Despite your best efforts.

“So, how does it get there?”

Consider, it’s as simple as employees using their browser, but also

Virtual Private Networks

Web browsing technology that creates a secure, encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the internet. Virtual Private Networks can be used to circumvent web filtering software by routing your internet connection through a server in a different location. This makes it appear as though your internet activity is coming from that server’s location, not your actual physical location, thus bypassing local internet restrictions and filters. This toolset is particularly useful for accessing region-restricted content, bypassing censorship, or maintaining privacy from local internet service monitoring. VPNs allow employees to bypass filters.

External Hard Drives

They offer indirect ways to access restricted content:
1) Offline Storage: They can store content downloaded in an unrestricted environment, allowing local access without internet filters.
2) Software and Tools: Drives can carry software, like VPNs, that bypass web filters, useful when such software can’t be downloaded due to network restrictions.
3) Operating Systems: They can also boot live operating systems or different environments, potentially, and harmfully, avoiding computer-level restrictions. However, they don’t actively circumvent network restrictions like VPNs.

Off-Site Browsers

Off-site browsing involves accessing the web from a location outside of controlled network environments, such as schools or workplaces. By doing so, users can bypass network filters and restrictions that block inappropriate content. Since these filters are typically only active within the controlled network, off-site browsing allows unrestricted access to all types of content, including those deemed inappropriate, unsafe, or even harmful. This method can expose users to risks and content normally prevented by safety protocols within regulated networks. This leaves businesses vulnerable to incursions exposing them to possible suits.

“But wait, I have web filters!”

Brilliant, however, we find what their software can’t protect against; watch this video:


Our PowerScanner finds hidden inappropriate content

that, like a thief, has bypassed your security protocols

[ Think of it as a meta data file audit ]

Discover the Power Scanner

Our fast and powerful tool both scans and analyzes your network silently and consistently. You’ll receive scheduled reports and immediate alerts for any anomalies found. Proactively protect your enterprise. It’s Software that Protects.

Defend Your Workplace's Safety

Mitigate the financial pitfalls of excessive litigation due to predatory activities. Our vigilant software helps to ensure unparalleled safety for both you and your institution as well as its employees or students.

Develop Your Community's Trust

In the face of such lewd acts, restoring trust is paramount. Our software helps reassure parents, communities, employees, and shareholders, signifying that robust safety measures are, effectively, now in place.

“You won’t belive the scope of problem…”

Over 20%

Admit to actively watching Pornography at Work

The E.E.O.C. estimates that, between 2018 and 2021, almost ONE MILLION harassment incidents took place. Nearly 28% of those are sexual harassment. That’s nearly Seventy Thousand sexual harassment claims per year, during the pandemic, when our workforce was at it’s lowest. Our Network Scanning Software can help mitigate this issue.

“The impact on your people is…”


Workplace setting with a distraght and embarassed employee in the foreground while four employees laugh in the background

Toxic workplaces lead to lower engagement, higher burnout, increased absenteeism, turnover, reduced psychological safety, heightened depression & anxiety, pervasive negativity, and higher costs for business owners

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1 in 4 Harassed

Medical setting with a distraught nurse in the foreground and two nurses and a doctor converse i nthe background

Post-harassment report, employers must safeguard against further issues & retaliation, and reasonably accommodate the victim. They can also be liable for non-employee harassment if not addressed promptly.

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“And, how does this effect me?”

Your Bottom Line

In the United States, the financial repercussions of settlements, lawsuits, and diminished productivity reach staggering sums, estimated annually in the billions of dollars.

Beyond these immediate losses, the collateral damage inflicted on a company or school district’s reputation can be profound. The tarnishing of a public image entails not only intangible losses but also necessitates substantial investment to restore the affected entity’s standing.

This multifaceted impact, spanning financial, reputational, and operational domains, underscores the devastating consequences these issues can unleash, affecting entities on multiple levels.

Our network scanning software, that helps protect your people, money, and brand, can help mitigate this major issue.

“The impact on your organization is…”

Financial Impact

Business person handing over three thick stacks of hundred dollar bills: Software that Protects, Inappropriate Content, PowerScanner, Network Scanning

From FY 2018-21, EEOC reclaimed $300M for 8,147 harassment victims. 2021 claims hit 10%, up 1.2% from 2018. Positive resolutions at 28.6%. Recoveries rose to 18.2% from 12.4% in FY 2014-17, a $104M boost.

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Hidden Expenses

A room full of burned out employees that look depressed and unproductive

One in Five Americans left jobs over poor culture, costing $223B in 5 years, says SHRM. 49% contemplated leaving due to culture issues in the same period. Organizational culture significantly impacts turnover rates.

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“Okay, so, how does it work?”

Give us a call, and we’ll happily walk you through it!

Network Scanning
System that Protects

Our Software is Fully SB-553 Compliant

Inappropriate Content exists on your Network Despite your best efforts

“How does it get there?”

Consider, it’s as simple as employees
using their browser, but also…

Virtual Private Networks

Web browsing technology that creates a secure, encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the internet. Virtual Private Networks can be used to circumvent web filtering software by routing your internet connection through a server in a different location. This makes it appear as though your internet activity is coming from that server’s location, not your actual physical location, thus bypassing local internet restrictions and filters. This toolset is particularly useful for accessing region-restricted content, bypassing censorship, or maintaining privacy from local internet service monitoring. VPNs allow employees to bypass filters.

External Hard Drives

They offer indirect ways to access restricted content:
1) Offline Storage: They can store content downloaded in an unrestricted environment, allowing local access without internet filters.
2) Software and Tools: Drives can carry software, like VPNs, that bypass web filters, useful when such software can’t be downloaded due to network restrictions.
3) Operating Systems: They can also boot live operating systems or different environments, potentially, and harmfully, avoiding computer-level restrictions. However, they don’t actively circumvent network restrictions like VPNs.

Off-Site Browsers

Off-site browsing involves accessing the web from a location outside of controlled network environments, such as schools or workplaces. By doing so, users can bypass network filters and restrictions that block inappropriate content. Since these filters are typically only active within the controlled network, off-site browsing allows unrestricted access to all types of content, including those deemed inappropriate, unsafe, or even harmful. This method can expose users to risks and content normally prevented by safety protocols within regulated networks. This leaves businesses vulnerable to incursions exposing them to possible suits.

“But, I already have Web Filters…”

Brilliant, however, we find
what their software
can’t protect against;
watch this video:

Our PowerScanner finds
hidden inappropriate content

that, like a thief, has bypassed
your security protocols

[ Think of it as a meta data file audit ]

Discover the Power Scanner

Our fast and powerful tool both scans and analyzes your network silently and consistently. You’ll receive scheduled reports and immediate alerts for any anomalies found. Proactively protect your enterprise. It’s Software that Protects.

Defend Your Workplace’s Safety

Mitigate the financial pitfalls of excessive litigation due to predatory activities. Our vigilant software helps to ensure unparalleled safety for both you and your institution as well as its employees or students.

Develop Your Community’s Trust

In the face of such lewd acts, restoring trust is paramount. Our software helps reassure parents, communities, employees, and shareholders, signifying that robust safety measures are, effectively, now in place.

“You won’t belive the
scope of the problem…”

Over 20%

Admit to actively watching
Pornography at Work

The E.E.O.C. estimates that, between 2018 and 2021, almost ONE MILLION harassment incidents took place. Nearly 28% of those are sexual harassment. That’s nearly Seventy Thousand sexual harassment claims per year, during the pandemic, when our workforce was at it’s lowest. Our Network Scanning Software can help mitigate this issue.


Workplace setting with a distraght and embarassed employee in the foreground while four employees laugh in the background

Toxic workplaces lead to lower engagement, higher burnout, increased absenteeism, turnover, reduced psychological safety, heightened depression & anxiety, pervasive negativity, and higher costs.

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1 in 4 Harassed

Medical setting with a distraught nurse in the foreground and two nurses and a doctor converse i nthe background

Post-harassment report, employers must safeguard against further issues & retaliation, and reasonably accommodate the victim. They can also be liable for non-employee harassment if not addressed promptly.

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“And, how does this effect me?”

Your Bottom Line

In the United States, the financial repercussions of settlements, lawsuits, and diminished productivity reach staggering sums, estimated annually in the billions of dollars.

Beyond these immediate losses, the collateral damage inflicted on a company or school district’s reputation can be profound. The tarnishing of a public image entails not only intangible losses but also necessitates substantial investment to restore the affected entity’s standing.

This multifaceted impact, spanning financial, reputational, and operational domains, underscores the devastating consequences these issues can unleash, affecting entities on multiple levels.

Our network scanning software, that helps protect your people, money, and brand, can help mitigate this major issue.

Financial Impact

Business person handing over three thick stacks of hundred dollar bills: Software that Protects, Inappropriate Content, PowerScanner, Network Scanning

From FY 2018-21, EEOC reclaimed $300M for 8,147 harassment victims. 2021 claims hit 10%, up 1.2% from 2018. Positive resolutions at 28.6%. Recoveries rose to 18.2% from 12.4% in FY 2014-17, a $104M boost.

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Hidden Expenses

A room full of burned out employees that look depressed and unproductive

1 in 5 Americans left jobs over poor culture, costing $223B in 5 years, says SHRM. 49% contemplated leaving due to culture issues in the same period. Organizational culture significantly impacts turnover rates.

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“Okay, so, how does it work?”

Give us a call, and we’ll happily walk you through it!